Social Housing and Public Sector Job Ready Programme

How is the 5 day course structured?

If you enjoy the FREE taster course, complete the remaining 4 days to make up the 5 day housing management training programme, which will include how to do the job on an operational basis, and how to secure the job through effective supporting statements, interviews, and assessments:

Day 1: The Competency Framework; ASB and Estate Management

Day 2: Rent Management; NOSP; Repairs & Maintenance

Day 3: Tenancy Management; Re-Housing Options; Voids & Lettings; Resident Involvement

Day 4: Customer Service Standards; Job Search Tips; Letter Writing Exercise; Developing CV’s and Supporting Statements

Day 5: Assessment & Interview Day Scenarios > In-Tray/Prioritisation Exercise; Aptitude Test; Group Exercise; Cultural & Technical Interviews