Social Housing and Public Sector Job Ready Programme
17th March 2025
Can I Pay In Instalments?
Discretionary decsions based on circumstances
Who or what is Gravitas Training (GT)?
Why Work in Social Housing/Public Sector?
What Does Gravitas Training (GT) Offer?
What Has GT Achieved/Delivered So Far?
Do You Offer A Guaranteed Job At The End of Course?
Do You Offer A Voluntary Work Placement At The End of the Course?
What are my genuine prospects of securing a real job at the end of this course?
Put simply will I get job after this course?
We Offer a
Taster Course to Address any Questions or Concerns, before you commit your time or money
Will I need Work Experience in Social Housing to secure a job?
If I don’t need experience in housing, what transferrable skills and knowledge will I need to secure a good housing job?
Do I need a minimum level of qualifications?
What does the day to day housing officer role involve?
How is the 5 day course structured?
What happens after the 5 Day Course?
Is the Course Accredited or Recognised?
Will the Course Become Accredited in the Future?
Accredited Courses or Not?
“Pound for Pound, GT is the most effective housing management course currently delivered in the UK”
What Are We Most Proud Of At GT?
Will this course help me in the future?
Will this course benefit me if I already live in social housing?
The course is very expensive – can you persuade me or ensure that this course will be good value for money
Do You Want To…..?
What happens if I am unsuccessful in securing a job?
How to Register for the Course
What does the Course Fee Include?
Can I pay in instalments?
What Payment Method Options Are Available?
Successful Job Outcomes
Gravitas Training in Numbers