Social Housing and Public Sector Job Ready Programme

Do You Want To…..?

  • Do you want to get into a good £18-30K job easily and quickly?
  • Do you want a secure a good stable career with genuine scope for professional progression?
  • Do you want to avoid the often false and misleading claims made by training providers around guaranteed jobs & work placements at the end of the course?
  • Do you find it difficult to trust training providers and what they claim they can offer you?
  • Do you want to avoid many more months/years of study to achieve a good permanent job with career prospects?
  • Do you want to focus on permanent £18-30K jobs rather than temporary and voluntary roles?
  • Do you want to receive real and meaningful post-training support to actively help you secure a good job?

If the answer to the above questions is an overwhelmingly yes, please read on, or contact GT: